Ready to Homeschool? A Simple Guide to Get You Started

Are you thinking about homeschooling this year?

Embarking on the homeschooling journey can be both exhilarating and daunting for new parents. I know it was for me!Homeschooling

With the freedom to tailor your child's education, it's important to approach homeschooling with careful planning and preparation. In this blog, my hope is to share with you a few simple tips to help you get started with your educational adventure.

  1. Determine Your Educational Philosophy: Before diving into homeschooling, it's vital to understand your educational philosophy. Consider your values, goals, and preferred teaching methods. Research various approaches such as Charlotte Mason, Montessori, unschooling, or eclectic homeschooling, and choose the one that aligns with your family's beliefs and educational aspirations. This foundation will guide your decision-making throughout your homeschooling journey.
    • Charlotte Mason
    • Classical
    • Unschooling
    • Waldorf
    • Montessori
    • Eclectic Homeschooling
  2. Select a Curriculum: Choosing a curriculum is an important step in homeschooling. But be careful, because there are countless options available. It's essential to find one that suits your child's learning style and aligns with your educational philosophy. Research different curricula, explore online reviews, and consider joining homeschooling communities to gather recommendations and insights. And your going to have to be flexible, so be prepared to adjust or supplement your curriculum as needed. (It is always the math curriculum). Some of my personal favorite resources that I have used and pulled from over the years:
  3. Read: Read and seek out wisdom as you begin on your homeschooling journey. Educate yourself about various homeschooling philosophies, teaching methods, and strategies through insightful books written by experienced homeschoolers and education experts. Some recommended homeschooling books to consider are:
  4. Create a Structured Routine: Establishing a daily routine provides structure and consistency, helping your child develop good habits and a sense of security. Create a schedule that incorporates morning time, core subjects, breaks, activities, and handicrafts, and nature walks. Flexibility is a significant advantage of homeschooling, so feel free to adjust the routine based on your child's learning pace and interests.
  5. Utilize Local Resources: Homeschooling doesn't mean you're on your own. Tap into local resources to enhance your child's learning experience. Visit libraries, museums, science centers, and historical sites for hands-on learning opportunities. Seek out homeschooling co-ops, Facebook groups, or online communities where you can connect with fellow homeschoolers for advice, collaboration, and socialization opportunities for your child.
  6. Stay Organized: Organization is key to a successful homeschooling journey. Create a designated learning space and organize materials, supplies, and resources. Develop a system for tracking assignments, portfolios, and progress. Utilize digital tools and apps for scheduling, record-keeping, and educational resources. Regularly evaluate and declutter to maintain an efficient and productive learning environment.
  7. Foster Socialization: While homeschooling offers flexibility, socialization is a crucial aspect of a child's development. Engage your child in extracurricular activities, sports, art classes, or music lessons to foster social interactions and build friendships. Participate in homeschooling support groups, field trips, and local community events tailored for homeschoolers. Encourage your child to engage with peers through volunteering or joining clubs and organizations outside of homeschooling. This is something I make a priority to do in the summer. Also, be sure to check your state laws for homeschooling. Different states have different laws and it is important to stay up to date on.

Embarking on a homeschooling journey requires careful planning and preparation, but it also offers a world of possibilities for personalized education. By determining your educational philosophy, selecting a curriculum, reading, creating a routine, utilizing local resources, staying organized, and fostering socialization, you'll be well-equipped to start your homeschooling adventure confidently. Remember to embrace the flexibility and adaptability homeschooling offers as you nurture your child's educational growth.





I'm Julia Mederich - My husband Jordan and I have 3 boys (7, 4, and 2) and a girl on the way. We are a Charlotte Mason inspired homeschooling family and enjoy going on nature adventures, reading aloud, and learning through play.

We live in Northwest Wisconsin.

I'm excited you're here! And hope this content inspires you on your homeschooling journey.


”Home is the nicest word there is.” -Laura Ingalls Wilder

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